Tuesday, July 28, 2009

*free* blogging sites

Though I do not endorse all that is on any of the websites below, these have been shared by others, with me, so I can pass them on to you.
If you are wanting to "begin blogging," you may find one of these websites to enable you to do that, for no cost to you, at this point in time, ... and ... some are "simpler" to use, than others.
You decide which one fits your need. ;o) (big grin)



(the rest on this list also begin with "www." but I have omitted that, trusting that the links will still work for you. If they do not, leave me a comment, and I will "fix" them.)

















(Windows Live Spaces) is
known as "spaces.live.com"



(now, it may be called webs.com
. You can still type in "freewebs" in a "good search" you
are doing, or in a search you're doing on "google," and
the result will still be that you get to the same place ...
with a new name)

There are also some 'ning' social networks which
also serve as simple ways to blog. You may choose
which 'ning' network fits your priorities and beliefs.
For example, one for those who home educate is
called The Homeschool Lounge. The link is:

Another 'ning' network is called: Swap Savers.
It is for dads and moms who like to save money
or who use coupons, when making purchases
in retail stores, or online. The link is:

Another 'ning' network is called: A Virtuous
Woman. (though I do not agree with the religious
beliefs of its founder, I do agree with the general
idea of encouraging other ladies to pursue
developing the heart of a virtuous woman, as
described and shared about in various places in
God's Word, including one description of a
virtuous woman, who is far above rubies, in
Solomon's Proverb 31, verses 10-31.

There are others. I've thought of setting one
up, but have found that my time is already
pushed to its limit, just keeping up with "the
evil generation" that tries to "manipulate the
masses" to "achieve their wicked goals" for
this world and its corrupt governing system.

Enjoy it as you begin your blogging journey,
or as you see The Lord "extend" or "expand"
your area of influence, by sharing your
thoughts, and those of others you agree with,
on your blog!

God is behind all those who wish to reach the
lives of others for His Son's Kingdom, because
the souls you let God win to His Loving Heart
through you are the treasures (the fruit) you
get to see in Heaven! On earth, as a true believer
in The Lord Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ),
you may be the seed sower. Or you may be the
one who waters that seed. Or you may be the
one who adds to that seed's growth. Or you may
be the one who gets to see that seed come to
fruition, in the life of one who accepts The Lord's
free gift of salvation (redemption, through Yeshua's /
Jesus' Blood He shed, in our place, on the Roman
execution stake, about 2,000 years ago. He paid it all!),
and who surrenders his or her life to Yeshua (Jesus)
as Lord and Saviour / Redeemer. He is God's only-
begotten Son, The true Lamb of God, Who takes
away the sins of the world!

May God richly bless your day, filling it with His
Shalom Peace (in you), and with His mighty,
enabling Grace, to help you along the pathway!

* Note: I will try to check the links, to see if they all
work. (in the next 48 hours, or less)
Please be patient with me. I do have a "real life"
other than blogging! (hee hee!) ;o) (big grin) You do,
too! ;o) (smile for the camera, please!)
