Later, David demonstrated his firm belief and trust in YHVH Tzeva'ot, when David went to take food (sent by his earthly dad) to his older brothers (he was the youngest of 8 brothers, besides any sisters), in a far-away location. They were facing what seemed to be a nearly impossible force: giants, including at least one 9-ft tall man, most of us call Goliath. His brothers were among other young men under the command of a coward: king Saul. Saul had evil spirits influencing him. Saul, also, sought advice from a witch. The prophet SchmuEl (Samuel) spoke truth to king Saul; yet, Saul usually did what his own "influencers" urged him to do, including -- at the end of his own life -- commanding his sword-bearer to hold the king's sword steady while Saul fell on it, on purpose. What a rebellious king!
Why do I mention all this?
Because, events in life on earth Do Not Go The Way Most Of Us Wish They Would Go. Each of us must Do Our Best to Wisely Discern what our Response Should Be! IF I choose, freely and willingly, today, To Rejoice, no matter what is happening around me, or even in my thoughts in my mind, ... I will be Doing What Yeshua, Yochanon, Sha'ul (Paul was a name the Greeks used, for Sha'ul), Shimon Kefa (Peter), and Ya'akov (James) taught, instructed and wrote We Should Do. (!)
Looking beyond earthly actions, against any fears that try to control our thoughts, We Can Choose To Rejoice in Adonai Yeshua! --> Praising The Mighty Name of Yeshua, of YHVH (some call The Name... Yehovah,' or Yahweh, or Yahuah), opens up things (by YHVH's Ruach's Mighty Workings) within the spiritual Realm which, then, empower Mighty Messengers to fight battles which wiuld terrify us, IF our human eyes could see all that's actually going on, at that level. (!)
Let's Rejoice! Praise The Name of YHVH! HalleluYah!
Baruch ata YHVH!
Barchu (a command form of "bless") et YHVH! Bless YHVH!
Praise The Name of our Creator and eternal King for ever and ever! For, He is Just, and a Rewarder of all who do what He commands us to do!
For, YHVH rules in the heavens, jugh and far above all principalities and powers, and might, and dominion (categories and levels of Angelic being), .... -- from Sha'ul's letter to the Ephesians, ch. 1, verse 21.
... and YHVH has set up Yeshua "at His (YHVH's) own Right Hand in the heavenlies, far above all these (all principality, power, might, and dominion), and far above every name that is named, not only in this world ("during this age" in time on earth), but also in that which is to come:" -- from Ephesians 1: 20-21
No matter what, The Truth is that, as Shimon Kefa states in I Peter 1: 3-5, "Blessed be HaElohim (The "God") and HaAv (The Father) of Adoneinu (our Master) Yeshua HaMashiach, Who according to His abundant Mercy (racham) has begotten us again unto a Lively Hope (Tikvah) by the resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach from the dead,"
"to an inheritance (which is) incorruptible (cannot decay or rot), and undefiled (it is clean versus being unclean in The Eyes of our Creator), and that fades not away, reserved in the heavens for you,"
"who are Kept by The Power of Elohim YHVH through Believing Trust (faith, in KJV English) unto the deliverance of your souls from destruction (salvation, in KJV English) ready to be revealed in the last time."
We have read His Promises! (well, am figuring you have, if you are continuing to read, at this point in this blog post!)
We know His Name! He owns us, in a very, super-Good way!!
We know He cannot lie or exaggerate!
He cannot not Keep His Promises! He is Dependable, and Faithful, and Trustworthy!
Let's Rejoice in Who He is!
He is our Redeemer!
I owe my entire life, beyond this earthly life, to Him!
Every breath I take in ... is because of YHVH, because of Yeshua! He, alone, knows me, inside and out! And, He continues to choose to ahow me His Wonderful Love, His abundant Mercy, and His amazing Provision, Protection, Help, Deliverance, Restoration in my soul, Strengthening Might, and His Life-restoring, Healing Power!
He deserves all Praise, Honor and Glory! most certainly!
Shalom, you all!
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