Do you get to talk with others, very often, about how your life is going?
I do, some weeks, more than others.
Many times, I am listening to others tell me about how their lives are going.
Some share what they'd like prayer for.
Some share things they are working on, and things they hope to accomplish.
There are so many wonderful things that Yahweh God has been doing, on my behalf, for reasons only He knows, yet, I believe it must be because I am His child, and have put my trust in His Son, Yeshua (Jesus' Name in Hebrew), The Messiah (The Anointed One of YHVH).
YHVH (the way I prefer to spell Yahweh's Name, because we realize none of us, really, know how to pronounce His Holy Name) is The Name of The Creator of the universe, our Heavenly Father. He, alone, is The Merci-full One, The Beneficent One, The Righteous One, and The One Who has given us His Grace!
He, alone, is awesome!
YHVH has been delivering me, in many ways, from many different things that "could have happened," but didn't. He's been providing, miraculously, for me and mine, consistently and in abundance, in many ways. There are times when it seems like "our living" is just not nearly enough! Yet, He continues to make it stretch, and to last much longer than I had figured! He is awesome!
YHVH has been keeping me / us from harm, and has been keeping us clothed well, fed well (very well! -- with organic, non-GMO, at times gluten-free, non-soy, kosher, *clean* food!) and has been providing enough so we can get to where we need to get to, and (if we'll take time to *enjoy life!*) to enjoy the *rest* He wants us to enjoy!
... I will share more about all this, soon!
Keep hangin' in there!
YHVH loves you with His everlasting Love (if you belong to Him -- Do you know Yeshua? Do you know YHVH?)!
YHVH just wants you to spend as much time, every day, and every night, as you are willing to spend with Him! He wants a close relationship with Him, so He may share with you what He wants you to know, to help others to get through this life on earth in a way that's so much higher, and so much better, though not "a bed of roses," or "a free ride."
He wants (as we give our lives to Yeshua, believe in Him as The One Whom YHVH sent to earth, as The Messiah of YHVH, to show us The Father YHVH, and His Deliverance He has wanted all Israel, all of those who believe in The Elohim (G-d) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, ... to take hold of and experience!) us to let Him bear the yoke of life on earth. He, alone, can bear it, can handle the weight of the burdens of human life! (Yeshua, I mean, alone, is able to bear it! We cannot!)
Will we allow Him (YHVH / Yeshua) to lead, as we walk alongside (more like "behind, a little") Him while His Shoulders are carrying the weight of the yoke of living on earth (like an ox bears, along with another ox; one ox leads, the other cooperates and walks "in step with" the stronger, weight-bearing, leading ox)? As we, who are believers in Yeshua, and in YHVH, as our Savior, look forward, with much anticipation and joy, to The New Jerusalem (The New Yerushalayim) (what most Christians call "Heaven"), we tend (in our humanness) to feel weary of this life. It does not go the way we all sense life should go! That's because we've inherited the sin, and results, that came from the first man, Adam. YHVH did not want things to be like they now are! He wanted life in The Garden of Eden to continue! It would have been so wonderful ! Yet, He is able to deliver us, day by day, moment by moment, as we turn our eyes upon The One in Whose Face is Love embodied, Who will never leave us, nor forsake us! He will bear us up upon His Wings! He will carry us, when we don't think we can take one more footstep forward! He knows, and goes through with us, what we are going through! He may not like it that we have to go through some of these struggles, that aren't our fault, but He knows how to bring good out of it, and how to teach us life lessons that we could not have learned, by any other means! YHVH is awesome!
But, nevertheless, though we have "to wait" for a time, we must remember: our Hope is in The One Who holds everything under His control, and Who holds all things (in the universe) in place, and by Him all things consist. (Colossians 1:17, in The Apostolic Scriptures / B'rit Chadashah) He just wants us to agree with Him, and not always have to know "why" He allows this or that, to happen! He wants us to trust Him! He knows all things, and all things are under His Power, and He is everywhere present! He knows what we are thinking, and are hoping for, and what motives are in our hearts, besides our secret sins, and secret thoughts, ... yet He continues to *love* us! He is willing to put up with us, even though He knows what we are like, deep down inside! Wow! HalleluYah!!! YHVH is so wonderful !!
Let's praise Him, throughout the day!
Let's thank Him for the many things He is preventing (that are not good for us), and for what He is allowing (that is both good and not so good; He has lessons for us, in every situation!), and for what He is preparing us for, and for what He has planned for us (to bless us with!)!
He is amazing!
Ephesians 1:2-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21
He is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we could ask or think! And, He will, if we have put our trust in Him, fully, in His Son, Yeshua, acknowledging that Yeshua died in our place (each of us) to take upon Himself, voluntarily, the punishment each of us deserved for the sins we have committed, willfully / knowingly / rebelliously, ... He will do "exceeding abundantly beyond whatever we could ask or think, according to His Power that worketh (continually) in us (through His Ruach / Spirit of Elohim, Who is only given to those who have placed their full trust in Yeshua, as Messiah, as Savior, and Master)." -- from Ephesians 3:20
#love #deliverance #joy #yoke #power #good #secretthoughts #secretsins #hope #theword #control #provision #protection #awesome #amazing #master #savior #scriptures #believe #abundance #life #plan #thinking #help #theone #trust #know #ask