Sunday, November 14, 2010

my review of Marilyn Boyer's book: For You They Signed

My review of For You They Signed, by Marilyn Boyer

I've enjoyed the thoroughness, the attention to detail in noticing God-honoring character in each of the 56 men, and the quotes shared, by Marilyn in her book For You They Signed. She has done a superb job in writing this book!
I would recommend it to anyone, from grandparents to any home-educated students who are willing to read this book and appreciate it for the invaluable life studies it contains. It's a great book to read through, or skip around in, to learn as much as we are willing to tackle, in one sitting. Why? Because it's hard to put it down!

Marilyn Boyer has packed so many goodies into her book, and so much that's helpful for us to know about these 56 men, that I am quite inspired by just being allowed to read through it. I am glad to get to learn all I can from her research on the lives of these men, who put their lives on the line for our sake, for the sake of their children or the children of others, and for the sake of those in their home towns, in order to draft and then, later, discuss and sign the Declaration of Independence.

Some of the 56 men are men about whom I knew nearly nothing before opening up this book! This book has also taught me more than I ever knew about this worthy & honorable group of men! Many of these men had families who had to run the farm while they were away. Their wives and children were more than willing to sacrifice quite a lot, just so these husbands and fathers could participate in this process. Their families (of the married men) knew the men felt compelled by The Lord Almighty to be a part of this process, so that they could help form a nation where men could live by the "unalienable rights" that our Creator has "endowed" each one (citizen) with.

What an exciting, challenging, yet life-endangering, process! Yet they weighed the risks they took and believed what they were doing was right, under God!

For You They Signed will enable me to do many more studies about these men whose lives exemplify character I’d like my sons to emulate. I home educate my younger 3 children, who are now between the ages of 16-3/4 (!) and 'almost-11 (!).'
My children are getting the blessed benefit of becoming acquainted with men of high moral character: men who feared God more than a tyrannical king who had been their earthly authority; men who wanted to acknowledge what they believed to be their "necessary" duties in dissociating themselves from the one to whom they were previously "bound," and who wanted to "assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them."

How do you sum up a 50-year (or an 80-year) lifespan in only a few paragraphs? Marilyn has used her God-given gifts to accomplish this through the cameos she’s written so well. I hope to continue to share with my children from these cameos to fill our coming year with inspirational readings we can all benefit from! We'll be able to learn so much more, by taking it a piece at a time, so we can digest it well.

In Marilyn’s book, the artistic elements she used (shaded areas for some quotes) and well-drawn sketches by her illustrator, plus the areas in which she shared information about place of birth, education, occupation, etc., all helped to give an artistically-balanced look to this book. For artist-type moms or children, this element of her book helps hold our interest while reading it.

Having also been given the privilege of learning about some of our Founding Fathers through David Barton’s ministry, Wall Builders, I am so glad to see that Marilyn used David’s inspiration to lead her to write such a helpful book, for educators, parents and children to all gain wisdom & Godly character lessons from!

My 16-year-old son told me "this book is thorough and it is interesting."

The questions at chapter ends will provide for some great family discussions! They require much thought and show how carefully Marilyn planned this book to help our children develop their thinking abilities. Thank you, Marilyn!

Marilyn's character sketches on the lives of Matthew Thornton, Richard Henry Lee and George Wythe opened my eyes to much I wish I had known, about them, long ago. However, please understand how hard it is not to list quite a few more names, here, of those men whose lives can inspire our sons to greatness!

I'm so thankful to New Leaf Publishing Group (New Leaf Press) for giving me the opportunity to review this book! wow! Thank you, New Leaf Publishing Group! What a great book to get to review!

The accompanying activity book (180 pages in length) will be enjoyed by anyone who has a teachable attitude. I especially like the cards that link a Scripture verse and a character quality to each of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence! This activity book is available for free to anyone who purchases For You They Signed.


I invite you to follow Master Books and Marilyn Boyer, if you use Facebook:


This movie "clip" may give you some idea of how seriously these 56 men took their duty, regarding the Declaration of Independence:


For anyone who would like to buy For You They Signed, you may do that at

~ I receive this book free, from New Leaf Publishing Group, in exchange for my honest review of its contents. ~

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YHWH God is good! He wants us to know others who have walked with Him and have trusted Him to do His Work in their lives, using them to do His good among those whose lives their life touches, being willing to sacrifice their lives (if necessary) to do their sacred duty, for His glory! I believe Marilyn Boyer has done a lovely job of putting together much that's helpful, truthful and that characterizes these 56 men in the light of their actual lives. Some historians, in my lifetime, have tried to turn young people in my home country away from thinking well of these men, and others, who were very much actively involved in the founding of the United States of America. However, Marilyn has cooperated with The Man of Truth (Messiah Yeshua, Who is Truth), I believe, in bringing out the truth about how these men lived and what they believed, in their lives, before, during and after they were participating in the discussions and the composition of the Declaration of Independence.

For You They Signed is well worth reading and sharing with our children and grandchildren!