YHVH Elohecha in the midst of you (all) (is) Mighty (Gibor, in Hebrew); He will save (deliver), He will rejoice over you with Joy (simchah, in Hebrew), He will Joy over you with singing." ~•~ Zephaniah 3, verse 17
In The written Word, we are instructed by YHVH that He always wanted to "dwell" (tabernacle with; "live" among) "in the midst" of His children, on His earth.
In John 1, verse 14, The Spirit of YHVH (Ha Ruach Ha Kodesh) inspired Yochanon (John) to write that "Imanu-EL" -- Who is ELohim YHVH *with* us -- came to "tabernacle" with / among us, as The Word... Yeshua our Anointed Redeemer. !!
So, with all that in my mind, I believe YHVH is showing me that my Father, Whose Throne is in the highest heaven, came to the earth as Yeshua. -- The earth is where He put me to dwell, during this part of my eternal existence, before His Eyes. ...
And, later, He will take me Home, unless He enables me to continue, alive, during the transition time, coming soon, when Yeshua returns on the Mount of Olives, and ... begins His Kingdom Reign for 1,000 years. !
Yeshua IS YHVH in the Flesh, IS The living Torah / Instructions of YHVH to whosoever will believe in and trust in His Name. !!
Yeshua is Imanu-EL, YHVH with us. !!
No wonder YHVH inspired Zephaniah and David to write down truths about YHVH, showing that The King of His universe rejoices over us with Joy, and Joys over us with singing, besides surrounding us with songs of deliverance. !
He not only wants us to sense that He is lifting us up out of any so-called dunghill, or low place where waste and unclean, unusable stuff is at, but also that He holds us up like a joyful daddy holds up a baby in his hands above his head, ... rejoicing that his young child is "here" with him. ! Dads are "proud" of their babies!
YHVH is pleased with us IF we believe in and trust in His Name, in Yeshua's Name!
John wrote, in John 10, verse 30, tgat Yeshua said I and Father are One / Echad. Yeshua cannot lie. So, I know it is The Truth.
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