The families and people here in Tennessee have welcomed us with open arms. For that, we all are very grateful to God, our Father in Heaven!
Even the folks who do not truly 'know' The Lord Yeshua have been very gracious and friendly to us, as we share with them how they can know for sure that, when they die, they will go to Heaven, to be with God, with Yeshua the Messiah and with The Holy Spirit of God, the Ruach ha Chodesh. I have been amazed at how willing to listen most people here are, when we tell them of our Lord and Redeemer, Yeshua!
It can only be that God is making more folks 'more open' to spiritual topics, because they do continue to 'appear' in the newspapers and through other media sources. We get our "news" only from the internet and through emails others write or send to us. So, since we are not hearing all of what those folks (the lost souls, who are not aware of how much God has done for them and how much He dearly Loves them) are hearing or seeing, in what they call 'the news,' we can only figure that God may be using all the disasters in weather, all the war stories, the horrible failure of our government, of companies, of banking systems and of the government educational system in the USA ... to cause them to realize that, if God exists (and He does!), maybe they 'should' begin to be 'willing' to listen to what He wants them to hear.
We miss our beloved, long-time friends we had to move away from, in Texas, and elsewhere!
However ...
The home educating families we have met in person, since we moved, have also welcomed us with open arms!
Just this week, we have counted 5 other families who use the same home education curriculum / program we use! For us, that is a very encouraging answer to prayer! When we first moved here, we were only aware of two families. Then, when we first visited the Bible-believing, soul-winning, prayerful, faith-filled congregation where we are now members, we met one more family.
The lady through whom we met the folks we now rent this property from ... has a son whose family also use the same materials we use, to educate "their" children! We knew of her several months ago. But we only learned a few days ago, that her grown son and his wife educate their children with the same materials we are glad to be using.
And we owe our learning about those materials to some very dear friends whom God let us meet, over 16 years ago, when they invited us to attend our first Basic Seminar (formerly the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts), in Dallas, TX -- the DelMuls! Thank you, Mary Lou and Daniel! You all have been such a blessing to us, to know!
And now, the Lord has let us learn, through another kind mom who contacted me, who also home educates her children, in a city not far from us, about two more families, who use the same materials we use! wow!
And a group of home-educating families, who meet in the city where we live (just outside of), also care enough to be using some booklets to teach and encourage their young people and children with ... which are part of a program called the Keepers of the Faith. It is a bit like a Biblical alternative to Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Many home-educating families like this program!
So, once again, God has blessed us with one more thing that I had prayed God might, if He wanted us to, allow our younger children to use, to learn some good and fun skills through using the booklets of the Keepers of the Faith, Keepers at Home and the Contenders for the Faith 'clubs.' The link for this ministry is at:
Besides all that, one group of home-educating families allowed several of us to go along, on a field trip, not long after we moved here, to a waterfall, ... actually we saw two waterfalls. They were not far from the border between Tennessee and North Carolina. Nestled in among the mountains, they were just there, flowing down from high hills, and then continuing to flow on and on, over larger and smaller rocks ... on down, following gravity's path to the lowest point, a river in the area.
Mini-Geography Lesson:
Am learning more and more about the rivers in this area, since we moved here. They all, on this west side of the Appalachian Mountains, flow into the Tennessee River, at some point. And that flows into the Mississippi River. It surprises me the path that the Tennessee River follows. Would have thought that the creeks, streams, small rivers and larger rivers, would flow south into the Gulf of Mexico. But there are hills far too high, south of this area, to allow for that. So, to the west, the further the Tennessee River carries water and its supply of fish and all else, the elevation continues to go down, until the water reaches the Ohio River, at Paducah, Kentucky, before the Ohio flows further west, for a short distance, and dumps its contents into the wide, old Mississippi! We sure have a lot to learn! Geography is so fun to look at, and think about. God has made this world so very interesting to study about. And He keeps us asking questions, doesn't He?!
Isaiah 57: 15 reminds us
"For thus saith The High and Lofty One (Who) inhabiteth eternity, Whose Name is Holy; I dwell in the High and Holy Place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." !!
God is so generous!
He has used other folks He already knew before we came to this place, to live, to want, freely, to share with us their abundance of vegetables, as well as their time!
He has moved the hearts of folks who live in this area, and love The Lord, to gather food and other material things we can use, and pass those things on to us, to use as we are able.
And The Good Lord Who rules over all has seen fit to allow us, as a family, soon to share about the new ministry called the Life in the Bible Institute!
Please pray that The Almighty, Who orchestrates all the good that goes on, and allows the evil for His good purposes He can bring about, after it occurs, to use our family to do the good, in teaching, and in passing on to others the Knowledge of him and of His Word, that He has been teaching us, to turn the hearts of men ... to their Maker, Redeemer and best Friend!
The Lord YHWH bless you in all you do, as you seek His Face and as you will to do His Will, for His glory, praise and honor!
... more later ....
-- keep in touch!
Help Notes: Yeshua is our Help! Call to Him; He will answer you! Yeshua, YHVH's only True Son, gives His followers Rhemas, His Word to use in time of need. Hallelujah! He is our Help & Shield, Righteousness, Sanctifier, Redeemer, Lord & King, our Deliverer. He is able to Help us with His Notes. Read The Word! His Word is Truth! Trust in Yeshua!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Update for the Up Hill-ies
We are still here! ;o) (big smile) Thank you for waiting for an update on what we've been doin' ... up on this hill in the mountains of northeastern Tennessee!
Here is a list: (for those who are engineers I've worked for, businessmen I've worked for, doctors I've known, former public school teachers who only wanted to be listened to, and who often were mathematics educators, as well as many who are ... non-artists, non-musicians, and otherwise prefer things to be ordered (which is a good thing!), listed (related to orderliness, and that is good!), not "conversational" (sorry guys, but some of you are that way; other men are the opposite of that way) or ... who like to listen more than they talk, and are known by some as deep thinkers. Yes, I am one who prefers to talk (only when possible and only when it is the preferred mode for relaying very important information!), rather than listen. But that comes because I have just finished reading over 2 hours' worth of information and facts from human sources, plus truths and amazing and miraculous "doings" of God Almighty, from His Word! So, I am "ready to talk!" ... now)
1. visiting congregations of true believers ... who are all quite serious about what they believe, Who they believe in, and how they plan to live out what they believe
2. ... and we found one. But that is not to say that the other choices were not also good. We just chose one, because that one will surely keep us quite busy, as one outlet for serving God and reaching out to the community as well as sharing our life testimonies of how The Lord Yeshua The Messiah brought us to the knowledge of The Truth -- that He bought our Redemption and has made full atonement for our sins, and for our sinful lives (of the past).
3. we've been singing as a family of 8, at times when others have asked us to sing, before a church congregation. We are willing to sing elsewhere. Just need to find time, during a week coming soon to a city near you, ... when one or more of us can contact "other organizations" that might be receptive to us coming to sing. I believe it may be that our dear Lord, Who bought us, and owns us, is awaiting us becoming "more professional" and "more together" as a singing family, ... so that our "sound" (overall) will show we are "ready" for singing for groups other than just churches where we are already members.
4. we've been helping with the bussed-in children's ministry, that Harvest Baptist Church has, for children who live in a nearby city, near where we are, as well as children in the city where we live. There is an outreach program that ministers to at least 30 to 40 families, and several of us have been involved in the Sunday morning "worship and Bible lesson time" with the children who are a part of this program. Our own children are also involved in it.
5. we have helped in door to door, one on one, evangelizing in neighborhoods as well as other areas. We usually pass out Gospel tracts, when we can, during the week. We meet with others, weekly, also, to go out, door to door, to share The Message of how anyone can come to "Peace" and "Reconciliation" with The Lord God and with His Son, Yeshua the Messiah, through knowing "their spiritual condition" before God, and then, through accepting the free gift, through Grace, of "redemption" and "rest" through trusting and believing in the atoning sacrifice made by The true Lamb of God, Yeshua the Messiah, Who voluntarily gave His Life, on the Roman execution stake, for our lives. Now, all we need to do is (after we have accepted His free gift, through Grace) live our lives for Him, Who loved us, when we did not love Him!
6. we have helped with the Vacation (summertime) Bible School (learning time and craft time and enjoyment time) that Harvest Baptist Church organized, during June of this year. We volunteered to:
a. plan for, and offer a list for food donations among members of the congregation, and ... then buy and prepare food for the children (and some for workers) at the VBS.
b. teach (two of us) classes of children, from age 4-5 up to age 11-12, about The Six Days of Creation ... and about Dinosaurs living at the same time as man, and being created by God Almighty on the same day as man was created (day 6) ... and about The worldwide Flood during Noah's lifetime. At least 20 children accepted Yeshua's free gift of salvation! (out of almost 60, who came) We pray God will give each one a desire to know Him better, in the days to come. And we pray their parents will allow these children to attend a Bible-believing church in this area, or ours, so they can continue to grow in their spiritual life in The Lord, each child.
c. help decorate (be in charge of decorating, as much as was desired) the classrooms, as needed, and ... to decorate any other areas used for VBS
d. help with sound during the song singing time, in the sanctuary, during VBS, as well as passing out refreshments, during class time, and to help with game time on Saturday afternoon
... more later. Time to go "share the Gospel." (out in the community)
... stay tuned !
We have, so far, been made aware of 5 other home educating families who live in this same nearby area of His world, who ... have basically the same standards as our family has become convicted of, by The Lord. We rejoice in this news! God likes His children to be encouraged! And strengthened in Him and in His Word ! And He likes His children to know all they can, that will enable their "spiritual battling" to be done effectively, through His Holy Spirit and through His mighty dunamis Power! Hallelujah!
Here is a list: (for those who are engineers I've worked for, businessmen I've worked for, doctors I've known, former public school teachers who only wanted to be listened to, and who often were mathematics educators, as well as many who are ... non-artists, non-musicians, and otherwise prefer things to be ordered (which is a good thing!), listed (related to orderliness, and that is good!), not "conversational" (sorry guys, but some of you are that way; other men are the opposite of that way) or ... who like to listen more than they talk, and are known by some as deep thinkers. Yes, I am one who prefers to talk (only when possible and only when it is the preferred mode for relaying very important information!), rather than listen. But that comes because I have just finished reading over 2 hours' worth of information and facts from human sources, plus truths and amazing and miraculous "doings" of God Almighty, from His Word! So, I am "ready to talk!" ... now)
1. visiting congregations of true believers ... who are all quite serious about what they believe, Who they believe in, and how they plan to live out what they believe
2. ... and we found one. But that is not to say that the other choices were not also good. We just chose one, because that one will surely keep us quite busy, as one outlet for serving God and reaching out to the community as well as sharing our life testimonies of how The Lord Yeshua The Messiah brought us to the knowledge of The Truth -- that He bought our Redemption and has made full atonement for our sins, and for our sinful lives (of the past).
3. we've been singing as a family of 8, at times when others have asked us to sing, before a church congregation. We are willing to sing elsewhere. Just need to find time, during a week coming soon to a city near you, ... when one or more of us can contact "other organizations" that might be receptive to us coming to sing. I believe it may be that our dear Lord, Who bought us, and owns us, is awaiting us becoming "more professional" and "more together" as a singing family, ... so that our "sound" (overall) will show we are "ready" for singing for groups other than just churches where we are already members.
4. we've been helping with the bussed-in children's ministry, that Harvest Baptist Church has, for children who live in a nearby city, near where we are, as well as children in the city where we live. There is an outreach program that ministers to at least 30 to 40 families, and several of us have been involved in the Sunday morning "worship and Bible lesson time" with the children who are a part of this program. Our own children are also involved in it.
5. we have helped in door to door, one on one, evangelizing in neighborhoods as well as other areas. We usually pass out Gospel tracts, when we can, during the week. We meet with others, weekly, also, to go out, door to door, to share The Message of how anyone can come to "Peace" and "Reconciliation" with The Lord God and with His Son, Yeshua the Messiah, through knowing "their spiritual condition" before God, and then, through accepting the free gift, through Grace, of "redemption" and "rest" through trusting and believing in the atoning sacrifice made by The true Lamb of God, Yeshua the Messiah, Who voluntarily gave His Life, on the Roman execution stake, for our lives. Now, all we need to do is (after we have accepted His free gift, through Grace) live our lives for Him, Who loved us, when we did not love Him!
6. we have helped with the Vacation (summertime) Bible School (learning time and craft time and enjoyment time) that Harvest Baptist Church organized, during June of this year. We volunteered to:
a. plan for, and offer a list for food donations among members of the congregation, and ... then buy and prepare food for the children (and some for workers) at the VBS.
b. teach (two of us) classes of children, from age 4-5 up to age 11-12, about The Six Days of Creation ... and about Dinosaurs living at the same time as man, and being created by God Almighty on the same day as man was created (day 6) ... and about The worldwide Flood during Noah's lifetime. At least 20 children accepted Yeshua's free gift of salvation! (out of almost 60, who came) We pray God will give each one a desire to know Him better, in the days to come. And we pray their parents will allow these children to attend a Bible-believing church in this area, or ours, so they can continue to grow in their spiritual life in The Lord, each child.
c. help decorate (be in charge of decorating, as much as was desired) the classrooms, as needed, and ... to decorate any other areas used for VBS
d. help with sound during the song singing time, in the sanctuary, during VBS, as well as passing out refreshments, during class time, and to help with game time on Saturday afternoon
... more later. Time to go "share the Gospel." (out in the community)
... stay tuned !
We have, so far, been made aware of 5 other home educating families who live in this same nearby area of His world, who ... have basically the same standards as our family has become convicted of, by The Lord. We rejoice in this news! God likes His children to be encouraged! And strengthened in Him and in His Word ! And He likes His children to know all they can, that will enable their "spiritual battling" to be done effectively, through His Holy Spirit and through His mighty dunamis Power! Hallelujah!
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