Saturday, November 30, 2019

Food: Clean and Unclean. Okay and Not-Okay.

Below are several articles other followers of Yeshua haMashiach, ... Elohim YHVH's Only-begotten Son, our Savior and Master, ... shared.
They are shared here for your prayerful consideration.


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What we eat "does" matter to The Creator Who designed and made all "food" to be "good" / "functional."
Food is called food, in our English language copies of The written Word of The Elohim of Israel, because the qualities of the "food" agrees with the high standards for benefitting our human health which Elohim YHVH chose, because of His beyond-human- understanding Love He has for each of us.
If a certain "thing" we may, as humans, think is "okay" and "acceptable" by Him, is  N O T  on His original List of approved "foods," then, that certain thing is  n o t  viewed by The Creator, Who made it, as "food" to be consumed by us human beings.

Simple enough.
We may not understand, fully.  Yet, are we willing to obey fully?
Our Father cannot lie.
He only tells The Truth.

He cannot (will not) force us to comply with anything He's taught in His written Word.
He simply wants us to choose to hear and obey, IF we want Him to, then, give us the Blessings we read about in His Word.