Life has kept me so busy that I have posted on Twitter, daily, at, but not here, lately.
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I often add New Posts on another Blog Of Mine (BOM), at Those usually have to do with spiritual insights that Almighty G-d (Elohim YHVH) is teaching me, as well as Sites of Others that I recommend.
Yet, I would like for you to know I have A Blog At (ABA): If you are a mom or a young lady, or one who home educates, or helps your spouse teach your own children in your house & elsewhere "along the journey of life," you will be glad you visited that blog! It is not fancy. It is practical and meant to be quite helpful!
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In case you were not aware that (nat) these are other places where you can keep up with (kuw) what I am actively doing, online (ado), now, you know!
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My new life with a fantastic man, my husband, Ken, has been wonderfully filled with happy happenings, as well as wonderful walks in areas where woods abound with wild life (yes, I know how to spell "wildlife," but I am not using it in that way, friends!) and water flows from springs as well as from the run-off after a good rain. I have been so grateful to Almighty G-d, Elohim YHVH Melech ha olam (The King eternal, Who rules over everything, everywhere = Melech ha olam), that He brought Ken and me together!
A Few Thoughts On A Couple Of Things I Am Learning About, Recently
We are learning more about, and moving in the direction of, seeing The Mighty One (El Gibor), Elohim YHVH, provide a special place for our future wanderings and for our upcoming service to others, believers and (some would call it ministry; I wish there was an American English word that would more accurately describe what I mean by what I am stating, here).
Today, I ran across a couple of interesting posts by a couple who have built a house using Cordwood Construction:
You all may gain some good from reading through these two posts the blog owners shared!
I did!
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Will write more, real soon, friends!
Keep Looking Up, because your Redemption is drawing nigh! Yeshua will be coming soon! Not much more has to occur before Yeshua returns! Yet, too many people on His earth simply Do Not Know Him! Will you behave as A Warrior In Prayer? so The Truth reaches the people who see you, regularly, though you may not notice how many that amounts to?
- - - Will you Stand In The Gap, as Moses did for the children of Israel, when Elohim YHVH, El Shaddai, was ready to eliminate them, at Mount Sinai, because of their wrong attitude and their actions that showed Elohim YHVH that they were going to go astray, no matter how many miraculous things YHVH did for them, to protect, provide and defend, deliver, them (!)?
- - - Will you be willing to be A Watchman, for the souls of those you know, already, who may not be Abiding in Yeshua as He would want them to do? A Watchman *must* speak the Truths & Teachings of YHVH Who rules over everyone everywhere!
Why? Because, if he / she does Not Speak about what Elohim YHVH has inspired men to write down in His written Word, then The Watchman will be held responsible for their everlasting souls' destination being Not Where YHVH "hoped" Those Souls Would spend their everlasting-ness!
Neither you, nor I, want to have that responsibility. It sounds too big!, right? Yet, Elohim YHVH has enabled both you, and me, to do this! (if we have yielded our lives, our minds, our wills, our hearts, our souls & human spirits to Yeshua, believing He is truly The Son of Elohim YHVH, and He died after taking upon Himself, willingly, all the punishment we, each, deserved for our wrong attitudes, our wrong affections, our unwillingness to just do the right thing from His Viewpoint, not ours, ... and our negative, darkness-motivated thoughts, words and actions ... and attitudes.)
Let's be Warriors In Prayer! Let's study, not just read, His written Word!
Let's trust Him beyond what our minds or our hearts can imagine or think! Elohim YHVH will do what is His Plan for each of us, in us, for us and through us, if only We Will Trust Him WholeHeartedly! Will we? Let's choose to do that! He will do the rest!
He will enable us to walk through whatever obstacle-filled pathways He knows are ahead of us, yet He will reward us richly (maybe we will only see that manifested in His future Kingdom eternal)! He just wants someone to willingly choose to be An Intercessor, ...who will Stand In The Gap for other souls who, at this point in time, do not "get it," yet. Will we show ourselves to be Faithful to The One Who has shown Himself to be The Most Loyal, Faithful One we could ever know (or "meet").
Let's do it, friends! There is no greater calling! Being a parent means you stand in the gap. Serving others because you care about them ... means you stand in the gap. Walking in Faith, doing things you feel certain, and see confirmed, that Elohim YHVH has told you to do ... means you stand in the gap. Giving of your time, voluntarily, to help others who do not have a way of helping themselves with certain tasks ... means you stand in the gap.
I could list other ways "you can stand in the gap," that you have not realized represented that, yet you know those. So, I will spare you.