Thursday, May 31, 2018

Help For You IF You Home Educate a High Schooler ...

... if you have students you are home educating through their high-school years of learning, here are some links to help you along, as an instructor, tutor and / or parent:

Lee Binz offers a number of very helpful materials, to help relieve your stress in keeping up with what is needed for your high-school and college-bound, student!

If you go, today, or *very soon,* you can get a wonderful deal at Knowledge Quest Maps, for "Map Trek" --

Terri Johnson offers you the maps you'll need for your home-educated student, even if he or she is younger than high-school level!  Check out her site!
This site is filled with a bunch of helpful, creatively-thought-out, solutions to what you would prefer to use, instead of "textbook curriculum," I'd guess, if you think as I do!  Check this out!

Enjoy your adventures, as you learn more, as a parent, ... and as a believer in Yeshua, our Messiah, Elohim YHVH's only True Son, and our Redeemer, Savior and Master, Lord (Adonai)!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Inspiration ... on this earth

My inspiration comes from The Creator, Whose artwork in His creation is wonderful!

His ways are higher than our ways.
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

He paints the skies, even when the rich (who pay pilots to spew poisonous chemicals into our atmosphere, continue to try to poison us, our land & our water The Creator has given to us, as gifts) are intent on affecting The Creator's skies we see with chemicals that try to hide, or alter, our view toward His heavens.

My inspiration originates from His written Word.
He uses poetic language, in the form of prayer songs.
He also uses historical information, about kings, about people and about honorable spiritual leaders.
He also uses stories told (at times) in parable form.
He also uses metaphors, as well as concepts that lend themselves to being included in allegorical-type stories made into movies, by humans who want to try to translate His concepts into an acceptable, and thought-provoking, format, for anyone who's willing to view it.  We can learn a lot from these,
in our modern time, since so many will not take time to pick up a good book & read....

The artistic Creator, Who *is* creative, and brought forth the very concept of creativity into His world, onto His earth, ... has produced many amazing designs we can see while looking at a brook, or a small stream, or a creek, and noticing the ways the water flows over the many shapes and sizes of stones and rocks.

Our Creator has put design also into the limbs and trunks of trees, if we will but notice what He's done.
He also uses the orderly, and predictable, shapes to help us to recognize safe-to-eat species of plants -- or trees (by their type of bark, and color, and trunk direction, whether bent, or straight, or in between).

Our Father in heaven, Whose Creation He is allowing us to enjoy, today (I believe), wants us to appreciate what He has put here, on His earth, on loan to us.
He seems to allow us so much freedom of choice, so much free-will choosing, while also expecting us to act responsibly with our use of His creation.
He seems to want us to use it thoughtfully and ... He, then, will reward us if we do that.

Let's please The One on Whose earth we dwell ... by noticing the details in His created things, including the petals on flowers, as well as their aroma, or the aroma of blossoms we see at this time of year, ... while also noticing the multiplicity of edible plants, and flowers, He has placed here to help us.

Let's appreciate what He has done AND tell Him, each day, "a hearty Thank You!"  He deserves it.  We actually do not deserve what He has put here for us to use and to enjoy (responsibly).

If you have some thoughts to share, on this topic, and on a more specific topic within this topic of appreciating our Creator's beautiful and inspiring creation, leave me a comment, ... won't you?


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Life goes onward and forward

Has your life made a positive turn toward The Light?

The words shared by "ha Goel (The Savior)," Yeshua (Jesus' Hebrew Name His earthly mom and dad called Him), in Yochanan (John) 15, can lead you to not only * seek * The Light, but also to * walk in * and * abide in * The Light.

In John 15:9-17, you may read about Yeshua teaching His disciplined ones, His talmidim (His taught ones), that "if you keep (guard) My Commandments, you shall (a more certain form of "will") abide (dwell) in My Love, even as I have kept My Father's Commandments, and abide in His Love."
Wow! -- Yeshua's Words sure can cut to the heart!  He is direct & concise!  Yet, He continually quotes from The written Word of Elohim YHVH, Avinu (our Father)'s teachings in both The Torah (Torah, in Hebrew, means instruction, teaching) and in the remainder of what many still mistakenly refer to as "the old testament."  Those words, in quotes, there, are merely what modern-day publishers, Bible printers, print on the "title page" they added, one page in front of the English versions of books like Genesis and Matthew.  Those words neither were penned in the Koinonia Greek language, nor were they written in the original Hebrew.  Study up on this, friends!

Anyway, the point is:  Yeshua, The only-begotten of The Father, full of Grace and Truth, was unable to lie, unable to do evil, and yet, so many still choose to treat Him with disrespect, disdain and disloyalty. !  He simply wants (seems to me, to be wanting) us to trust Him, keep / guard His Commands He's given, ... from the beginning ....  If we do that, He says we will abide (we'll be showing we do abide) in Him (Yeshua).  Yeshua * is * in The Father.  He abides in Him (Avinu = our Father).  Yeshua wants us to abide in Him (Yeshua, Who is * in * The Father.).

Got it?
If you'd like more passages, in The written Word, where I got this information from, I'll be glad to share those with you!  (smile)
Leave me a Comment, and we can grow together in what He continues to teach us!


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Exploring ...

Have you ever traveled somewhere, out in the countryside, in the US, and were pleasantly pleased to drive by a small establishment that serves ice cream by the scoop, owned by a retired couple, who are friendly and quite fun to talk with?

I did, in North Carolina, not far from Linville Falls.
The ice cream was high quality!
And, the conversation was pleasant!

Enjoy the places you travel by, and stop in whenever you can spare the time, friends!
You will be glad you did!
There are so many thousands of great, family-owned, family-run folks, who do care about the quality of what they offer to the buying public!

Be sure to say "Thank you!" with a genuine smile, before you leave.  Even if you do not buy anything, they will appreciate your gratefulness for having found them!  And, tell someone else about the place you visited!
The one I went to does not have a website.  So, I am not sharing a link to it, here.
But, most do.  (smile)


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Great Giveaways for Home-Educators!

   look below for Links To Great Giveaways
   for Educators Who Tutor their own Children:

Homeschool Giveaways:

Free Homeschool Curriculum:

            ~*~              ~*~               ~*~              ~*~

. . . I hope to share more helpful links with you, soon! . . .

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Places Online You Need to Visit !

Gesundheit! Institute, established by Dr. Patch Adams --

Mana'olana Hope, Inc. -- Healing Heart Art

Stewart's Caring Place -- Cancer Wellness Center

the links to webpages, above, include several that offer hope,
help & healing.
Please share these with those you know, especially those who
have a need for some help, or some encouragement!


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Do Your Own Research on The Temple

The actual location of the future-coming Temple of Almighty Elohim (G-d), in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), is the focus of quite a bit of Research going on, in Yisrael (Israel). (and in other countries, too!)

I trust some sources.  I recommend you check out what Joseph Good has figured out, my friend!  He is usually accurate.

With that in mind, I will (in this post) be sharing several links to websites that offer * their viewpoint * for *where* the actual Temple will be (and, in the past, truly *was*) built (located).

I trust you will feel like you've benefitted from having read this information (whatever info you choose to read, from among the links, below):

There are other websites that share several perspectives on the location of the Second Temple (of Solomon), besides the ones I have shared links to, above here.

I hope you will gain some thoughtful, and useful, ideas from perusing the various links I've shared!
This is definitely a topic I'd like to read some more information about!  Wouldn't you?


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How Have You Been ...?

Life has kept me so busy that I have posted on Twitter, daily, at, but not here, lately.

... and ...

I often add New Posts on another Blog Of Mine (BOM), at  Those usually have to do with spiritual insights that Almighty G-d (Elohim YHVH) is teaching me, as well as Sites of Others that I recommend.

Yet, I would like for you to know I have A Blog At (ABA):  If you are a mom or a young lady, or one who home educates, or helps your spouse teach your own children in your house & elsewhere "along the journey of life," you will be glad you visited that blog!  It is not fancy.  It is practical and meant to be quite helpful!

        _       _       _       _       _       _       _

In case you were not aware that (nat) these are other places where you can keep up with (kuw) what I am actively doing, online (ado), now, you know!

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My new life with a fantastic man, my husband, Ken, has been wonderfully filled with happy happenings, as well as wonderful walks in areas where woods abound with wild life (yes, I know how to spell "wildlife," but I am not using it in that way, friends!) and water flows from springs as well as from the run-off after a good rain. I have been so grateful to Almighty G-d, Elohim YHVH Melech ha olam (The King eternal, Who rules over everything, everywhere = Melech ha olam), that He brought Ken and me together!

        A Few Thoughts On A Couple Of Things I Am Learning About, Recently

We are learning more about, and moving in the direction of, seeing The Mighty One (El Gibor), Elohim YHVH, provide a special place for our future wanderings and for our upcoming service to others, believers and  (some would call it ministry; I wish there was an American English word that would more accurately describe what I mean by what I am stating, here).

Today, I ran across a couple of interesting posts by a couple who have built a house using Cordwood Construction:

You all may gain some good from reading through these two posts the blog owners shared!
I did!

                +          +          +          +          +           +          +          +

Will write more, real soon, friends!

Keep Looking Up, because your Redemption is drawing nigh! Yeshua will be coming soon! Not much more has to occur before Yeshua returns! Yet, too many people on His earth simply Do Not Know Him! Will you behave as A Warrior In Prayer? so The Truth reaches the people who see you, regularly, though you may not notice how many that amounts to?

- - - Will you Stand In The Gap, as Moses did for the children of Israel, when Elohim YHVH, El Shaddai, was ready to eliminate them, at Mount Sinai, because of their wrong attitude and their actions that showed Elohim YHVH that they were going to go astray, no matter how many miraculous things YHVH did for them, to protect, provide and defend, deliver, them (!)?

- - - Will you be willing to be A Watchman, for the souls of those you know, already, who may not be Abiding in Yeshua as He would want them to do?  A Watchman *must* speak the Truths & Teachings of YHVH Who rules over everyone everywhere!
Why?  Because, if he / she does Not Speak about what Elohim YHVH has inspired men to write down in His written Word, then The Watchman will be held responsible for their everlasting souls' destination being Not Where YHVH "hoped" Those Souls Would spend their everlasting-ness!

Neither you, nor I, want to have that responsibility. It sounds too big!, right?  Yet, Elohim YHVH has enabled both you, and me, to do this! (if we have yielded our lives, our minds, our wills, our hearts, our souls & human spirits to Yeshua, believing He is truly The Son of Elohim YHVH, and He died after taking upon Himself, willingly, all the punishment we, each, deserved for our wrong attitudes, our wrong affections, our unwillingness to just do the right thing from His Viewpoint, not ours, ... and our negative, darkness-motivated thoughts, words and actions ... and attitudes.)

Let's be Warriors In Prayer!  Let's study, not just read, His written Word!
  Let's trust Him beyond what our minds or our hearts can imagine or think!  Elohim YHVH will do what is His Plan for each of us, in us, for us and through us, if only We Will Trust Him WholeHeartedly!  Will we?        Let's choose to do that!  He will do the rest!
  He will enable us to walk through whatever obstacle-filled pathways He knows are ahead of us, yet He will reward us richly (maybe we will only see that manifested in His future Kingdom eternal)!  He just wants someone to willingly choose to be An Intercessor, ...who will Stand In The Gap for other souls who, at this point in time, do not "get it," yet.  Will we show ourselves to be Faithful to The One Who has shown Himself to be The Most Loyal, Faithful One we could ever know (or "meet").

Let's do it, friends!  There is no greater calling!  Being a parent means you stand in the gap.  Serving others because you care about them ... means you stand in the gap.  Walking in Faith, doing things you feel certain, and see confirmed, that Elohim YHVH has told you to do ... means you stand in the gap.  Giving of your time, voluntarily, to help others who do not have a way of helping themselves with certain tasks ... means you stand in the gap.
I could list other ways "you can stand in the gap," that you have not realized represented that, yet you know those.  So, I will spare you.
