Saturday, February 6, 2010

please read this & pray for this young lady, now!

This link, below, should take you to a very helpful article about the now-endangered life of a young believer we have all become aware of -- Rifqa Bary. Her life is more in danger than it was before! Her parents lied. CAIR lied.
And if you would please pray for this young lady, for God's special protection on her physical, mental, emotional life, as well as asking God to use whatever He allows to happen to be used to bring the most glory to His Holy Name, I sure would appreciate it.

I trust this source. Caryl Matrisciana is a trustworthy source of informative and educational information on many topics.
For now, I hope this might direct you in how to pray for this young lady.
I know she will thank you, when we all meet in Heaven, one day.
I trust that for her ... that she will get to meet The Lord in the air,
with the rest of us. (well, me, anyway)

God bless you all !

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